Why Shop from Imagimake
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Coil in Jiffy
With Super Quiller, paper quilling is now easier for young crafters to explore their creativity. Making coils in a jiffy, it gives the child more time to make awesome creations. Unlike the manual quilling, Super Quiller will help the child focus more on their designs and reduce time on boring and exhaustive coiling process
All you need to get started
The kit comes with Super Quiller tool, Slotted tool attachment, Easy Coiling Disk, Jumbo Coiling Disk, Manual Instruction and Idea Booklet to get a kick start. It also comes with 200 sticky back quilling strips of 5mm. This multicolour strips pack includes a collection of bright and widely used colours- a must have for all quillers!
3D Quilling Made Easy
Once you are a pro in 2D Quilling, your Super Quiller will help you in mastering the technique of 3D Quilling with the perfect coil. Create and astound your friends by making cupcakes or snipping top with paper quilling. It's all easy peasy when you have a hands-on a Super Quiller
Endless Creativity & Imaginaiton
From Quilled earrings to flowers, the young quiller will absolutely love to make creations with Super Quiller. We have some cool ideas to get started which come inside the kit. Once you have tried all the templates, the child automatically uses his own imagination to create something new! It helps in improving eye-hand coordination and gives wings to the imagination
Making Makes us Happy
Kids love to make stuff by themselves be it pretending to be a chef with their kitchen set or a lovely card for Daddy dearest! With Super Quiller, they can explore creativity through exciting activity projects. This not only gives a child excitement but also develops him in various horizons like being more confident, self-expressive, and much more. The desire to make is exciting, the creative process of making takes both the left and right brains on a journey of a lifetime; and the accomplishment of self-expression is invigorating
Key Benefits
Endless Creativity & Imaginaiton
From Quilled earrings to flowers, the young quiller will absolutely love to make creations with Super Quiller. We have some cool ideas to get started which come inside the kit. Once you have tried all the templates, the child automatically uses his own imagination to create something new! It helps in improving eye-hand coordination and gives wings to the imagination
Making Makes us Happy
Kids love to make stuff by themselves be it pretending to be a chef with their kitchen set or a lovely card for Daddy dearest! With Super Quiller, they can explore creativity through exciting activity projects. This not only gives a child excitement but also develops him in various horizons like being more confident, self-expressive, and much more. The desire to make is exciting, the creative process of making takes both the left and right brains on a journey of a lifetime; and the accomplishment of self-expression is invigorating