Bakery Delight
Welcome to 'Quilling Bakery Delight,' where children enter on a sweet journey of creativity, crafting charming bakery-inspired designs using the art of quilling. Let their imaginations soar as they create delecious treats such as cupcakes, cakes, and pastries with colorful paper strips, turning ordinary materials into extraordinary delights.
Shop & Create
Here we have some similar projects which you can have a look at!

World of Paper Quilling
Patent Tool | Idea Gallery Book | 7 Stages of Paper Quilling
Age: 7 Years+
₹ 1,699.00
₹ 1,999.00

Spyrosity Super Quiller
Patent Tool | Explore Paper Quilling | Creative Play
Age: 8 Years+
₹ 549.00
₹ 599.00
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