Bakery Chef

Introducing 'Quilling Bakery Chef,' a delightful project where kids become master artist, crafting intricate bakery-themed designs using the art of quilling. Let their creativity rise like dough as they create Super cool chef entirely from paper strips, unleashing their inner pastry chef in a world of colorful confectionery magic

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Check out Quilling Range to dive into the world of Paper Quilling

World of Paper Quilling
5.0 | 23

World of Paper Quilling

Patent Tool | Idea Gallery Book | 7 Stages of Paper Quilling

Age: 7 Years+
1,699.00 1,999.00 (16%)
Spyrosity Super Quiller
4.9 | 17

Spyrosity Super Quiller

Patent Tool | Explore Paper Quilling | Creative Play

Age: 8 Years+
549.00 599.00 (9%)
Colour Splendor

Colour Splendor

From 499.00
Craftsy Quilling Board

Craftsy Quilling Board


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